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01/22/2008 Town Council Regular Meeting
Town of East Hampton
Town Council Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
6:30 p.m.
Eaton E. Smith Meeting Room

Present: Chairperson Melissa Engel, Vice Chairman Thomas Cordeiro and members, William Devine, Christopher Goff, Scott Minnick, John Tuttle and Susan Weintraub. Also present was Acting Town Manager Robert Drewry, Recording Secretary Cathy Sirois and many audience members.

Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance:  Chairperson Engel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:
A.      Town Council, Special Meeting, January 8, 2008:  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Cordeiro, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Special Meeting of January 8, 2008 as written. Voted (7-0).
B.      Town Council, Regular Meeting, January 8, 2008:  A motion was made by Mr. Cordeiro, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Regular Meeting of January 8, 2008 as written. Voted (7-0).
C.      Town Council, Special Meeting, January 15, 2008:  A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Tuttle, to approve the minutes of the Town Council Special Meeting of January 15, 2008.  So voted (5-0-2) Mr. Cordeiro and Ms. Weintraub abstained as they were absent from that meeting.

Report of Acting town Manager:
A.      Town Report - Mr. Drewry reported that the Annual Report is in the final stages of completion.  The financials will be added and the draft will be proofed.  Mr. Drewry thanked Sue Berescik for her work on this report.
B.      Other - Mr. Tuttle asked about the status of the burned building on Route 66.  Mr. Drewry noted that the owner is awaiting word from the insurance company.  Also, Ms. Weintraub asked about the written opinion from the town attorney regarding the Town Charter Section 2.1.  Mr. Drewry indicated that he will contact the attorney this week.

Special Presentations:  
A.      Traffic Study Route 151 - Ms. Engel noted that this item should have been Traffic Study Route 66/196 – Ms. Weintraub indicated that since this meeting was not properly noticed maybe the presentation should be postponed.  Ms. Engel noted that since Tim Gaffey and Mike Cormier from the CT Department of Transportation were present at the meeting to give the presentation they would go on as planned and the Council will plan a future public information meeting with the Department of Transportation.  Mr. Gaffey reviewed the last set of plans that were presented for the Route 66 and 196 intersection and answered questions from the Council and the audience.

B.      Facilities Sub Committee Presentation - William Grady, Chairman of the Facilities Sub Committee, and Friar Associates (Brian Solywoda, Michael Sorano and Beth Maury) presented the final recommendations of the Facilities Sub Committee for the town government buildings.  Mr. Goff recused himself from the presentation due to family property possibly being involved in the study.  Mr. Grady reviewed the process that led up to the recommendations chosen by the Facilities Sub Committee.  Michael Sorano reviewed the feasibility study book that was presented to Council.  Brian Solywoda reviewed Scheme 6B, the scheme that was recommended by the Facilities Sub Committee.  Chairperson Engel asked that each Council member review the feasibility study and come up with a priority list for a meeting at the end of February.   Mr. Grady thanked the members of the Facilities Committee for their work on this project.

Chairperson Engel noted that two items need to be added to the agenda - Item 9C Resolution for the Walters Property and 9D Resolution for Senior Center Van.  Mr. Devine moved to add the two items to the agenda.  Seconded my Mr. Tuttle.  So voted (7-0).

Public Remarks:

John Hines, South Main Street, noted that the town does need a new building as we have outgrown this building.

Jim Curtis, 13 Wangonk Trail, asked about the status of the Distefano property.  

Rob Foberg, 81 Charles Mary Drive, asked about the buildings across from the intersection at Main Street and Skinner Street.  He noted that these buildings are an eyesore.

Jim Siena, Harlan Place, asked if the two factories on Skinner Street could be considered for town government buildings.

Laurie Wasilewski, 202 Hog Hill Road, requested that Special Meetings have public comments available.

Scott Bristol, Olde Flatbrook Road, noted that 100 Main Street is also in the flood plain and that there is possible soil contamination on that site.

Irene Curtis, Wangonk Trail, asked about the project on 13 Watrous Street.  Scott Bristol, Brownfields Committee, responded that the grant expires in August or September of 2008 but tearing down the building is not included in those funds.  The town is responsible for the cost of demolition.   Mr. Drewry will get a cost for the demolition of the building.  She also asked about the water tower demolition.  Mr. Drewry noted that it is being tested for lead and asbestos.

A short break was taken at 8:10.

A.      Subcommittee on Appointments Update/Action: Mr. Goff noted there are no appointments tonight.  It is anticipated to have appointments for the February 12th meeting.

New Business:
A.      Veteran's Tribute:  Mr. Cordeiro spoke about having a special night for those service people that have recently served our country.  Ron Christopher is working on a list.  Ms. Weintraub asked if the family members of those currently serving.  Mr. Cordeiro indicated there may be an issue with confidentiality.
B.      Town Manager Search Committee Update:  Chairperson Engel and Mr. Drewry met with Randi Frank of Randi Frank Consulting in Wallingford regarding the search for a new Town Manager.  She will be preparing a proposal and will also prepare a new brochure.

Old Business:
Mr. Tuttle made a motion to move Item 8D to Item 8A.  Seconded by Ms. Weintraub.  So voted (7-0).

A.      Harlan Place:  Mr. Goff reported that if the town does pursue the 20+ acres behind Memorial School, a secondary access is not required.  Also it was found in a deed from 1957 that there is a 10 foot right of way at the end of the cul de sac to the Memorial School property.  Mr. Goff thanked the residents for coming to the meetings. Mr. Goff made a motion to rescind the contract to purchase the property at 28 Harlan Place.  Seconded by Mr. Cordeiro.  So voted (7-0).  Mr. Minnick asked for a document in writing indicating that we would not need a secondary access.  The residents of Harlan Place thanked the Council for their research into this project.
B.      Water Task Force Membership:  Chairperson Engel reported that she contacted the individuals that were chosen to serve on the Water Task Force.  The members will be Ms. Engel, Mr. Tuttle, John Hanson, Mark Barmasse, Ted Hintz, Bob Heidel and either Mark Philhower or Peter Aarestad.
C.      Budget Policy Statement:  Mr. Cordeiro reviewed the feedback received regarding the Budget Policy Statement.  Mr. Cordeiro will incorporate the appropriate changes and will email the document to the Council.  There were concerns that the Budget Policy Statement was becoming too specific.  There will be a Tri Board Meeting on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at the Middle School.
D.      Discuss and Take Action on Veteran's War Memorial Committee Proposal:  Mr. Minnick noted that as the Council has the final decision on where the Memorial will be placed, he felt the Veterans should go to the Board of Education first and then report back to the Council the Board of Education's decisions on this project being placed on the High School property.  Mr. Devine made a motion to allow Ron Christopher take the project to the Board of Education with the support of the Council.  Seconded by Mr. Goff.  So voted (7-0).
E.      Technology Committee Update:  Mr. Tuttle reported that the Technology Committee did an excellent job presenting their report and findings regarding technology in the town.  Mr. Tuttle reviewed a list of items he took from the report that should be focused on.  He suggested using the Technology Committee as a search committee for a future Director of Technology.    
F.      Tri Board Update:  There will be a Tri Board Meeting on Tuesday, February 5th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm at the Middle School.
G.      Streetscape Update:  Mr. Tuttle reported on the presentation given by the Streetscape Committee and TPA Design Group. The bid process for this project will begin soon and possibly break ground this spring/summer.
H.      Lake Commission Update:  Mr. Cordeiro reported that the Lake Commission Conference had a great presentation, it was very thorough. The presenters did a wonderful job.  
I.      Other:  Mr. Tuttle noted that he spoke to Jeff Foran and Josh Wilson from Inland Wetlands. Their committee will be voting on the newest version of the Fertilizer Ordinance at their meeting on January 30th.  The Council will receive that document after the Inland Wetland Meeting.
        Mr. Goff noted that the Land Acquisition Subcommittee will meet prior to the February 5th Tri Board Meeting.  

A.      Capital Region Council of Governments Grant:  Mr. Cordeiro made a motion to approve the resolution to be included in the Capital Region Council of Governments "Law Enforcement Data Sharing" project.  Seconded by Mr. Devine.  So voted (7-0).
B.      Philip Visintainer Retirement Proclamation:  Chairperson Engel read the proclamation for Phillip Visintainer.
C.      Walters Property Resolution:  Mr. Devine made a motion to approve the resolution that authorizes Acting Town Manager, Robert Drewry, to execute on behalf of the Town of East Hampton a Grant Agreement and Conservation and Public Recreation Easement and Agreement under the Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Program with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance to acquire permanent interest in land known as the Walters Property, OSWA 316 and to manage said land as open space land pursuant to Section 7-131d of the Connecticut General Statutes.  Seconded by Mr. Cordeiro.  So voted (7-0).
D.      Senior Center Van Resolution:  Mr. Goff made a motion to approve the resolution to empower Acting Town Manager, Robert Drewry, to execute and deliver in the name and on behalf of this municipality a contract with the Connecticut Department of Transportation for a Federal Transit Administration Section 5310 Grant.  Seconded by Mr. Devine.  So voted (7-0).

Financial Transactions:  None

Liaison Reports:  None

Board, Commission, Agency & Task Force Remarks:  
Mary Ann Dostaler, Chairperson of the Economic Development Commission, responded to a question that Mr. Tuttle had regarding the power lines in front of Classic Auto.  She noted that the picture was accurate.  Ms. Dostaler indicated that the renderings of Streetscape are available at the library.  Ms. Dostaler asked Mr. Drewry about if the bids for the sidewalks on Lakeview Street.  He noted that they are waiting for TPA's final design.  She also asked if the stamped concrete sidewalk design would be a possibility for the remaining sidewalks in town.

Irene Curtis, Lake Commission, thanked everyone for the broad attendance at the Lake Commission Conference.   

Barbara Moore, Board of Finance, asked that the Council not be too specific on the Budget Policy Statement.

Tax Refunds:
Mr. Goff made a motion to accept the tax refunds presented in the amount of $4,766.78.  Seconded by Mr. Devine.  So voted (7-0).
Bids and Contracts:  
A.      GIS System:  Donna Ralston, Tax Assessor, asked for the Council's approval on the contract for Applied Geographics, Inc. for the geographic information system.  Ms. Ralston reviewed the bidding process.  Mr. Goff made a motion to approve the GIS contract for Applied Geographics, Inc.  Seconded by Mr. Cordeiro.  So voted (7-0).
B.      Leaf Vacuum:  Mr. Devine made a motion to approve the awarding of the bid for the leaf vacuum to Robert Rainville for $156.00.  Seconded by Mr. Tuttle.  So voted (7-0).

Communications and Announcements:  
Chairperson Engel reported that she attended the Salmon River Watershed Meeting.  Towns directly in the watershed area are requested to contribute $5000 annually.

Ms. Weintraub reported that she is planning a meeting regarding Route 151.

Public Remarks:
        Scott Bristol, Olde Flatbrook Road, asked about the flyover for the GIS system.  He noted that he had provided aerial photos geospatially referenced at no charge to the town.  He wondered if the town was able to use those flyovers.

Kimberly Fontaine, Railroad Avenue, commented that the stamped concrete could be an issue for those with mobility impairments.  She has asked that the town consider ADA access and mobility issues before approving sidewalks for the town.  She also noted that Brownfields are not always a liability and that they can be an opportunity for redevelopment.  There could be federal funding available.  Third, she noted that the budget policy statement should be a guide and should not be specific.  Lastly she asked for a copy of the brochure that was used for the prior town manager search.  She noted that political party websites should not be listed on that type of document.

Mary Ann Dostaler, William Drive, asked how much it will cost the town to not move forward with the Harlan Place contract and asked why the town didn't know of the easements that existed.  She also noted that the library put on a program on clean energy and that Sue Berescik may be an information source for that program.  

In response to Ms. Fontaine's remarks, Ms. Engel noted that the brochure for the upcoming Town Manager search will be approved at Council level.

Reserved:   None

A motion was made by Mr. Goff, seconded by Mr. Tuttle to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. So voted (7-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Sirois
Recording Secretary